In 2013 Saltire Energy donated £1million to Befriend a Child – an Aberdeen-based befriending scheme for children in difficult life circumstances – to allow the charity to recruit and train volunteer befrienders and reduce its lengthy waiting list.

Befrienders are carefully matched with children from the ages of 4-16 who have been referred to the service for a number of reasons – ranging from parental drug and alcohol misuse, family bereavement or inconsistent parenting. Irrespective of individual situations, each child is in need of a positive adult role model in their life.

As well as introducing children to new activities and experiences, relieving stress and promoting welfare, Befrienders offer friendship and non-judgemental support, which can build confidence and lay the foundations for a responsible and independent adulthood.

The company’s support has also enabled the charity to employ an extra Befriending Support Worker which has been integral to the provision of new befriending relationships.

In recognition of his long-standing affiliation and ongoing support of the Befriend A Child, Saltire Energy’s CEO, Mike Loggie was made an honorary patron of the charity in 2013.

Saltire Energy
